According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), joint/muscular pain is caused by a blockage in the meridians (channels that supply nourishment and vital energy to all our inner organs, joints, muscles and skin). Many conditions can cause this blockage, such as fluid retention, wear and tear, injuries and trapped nerves.
When the blockage occurs, our body informs us of it through the feeling of pain, stiffness, pins and needles and numbness. Those sensations must not be ignored and should be treated promptly.
Acupuncture can stimulate the meridians to resolve these blockages. Herbal remedies can help to dissolve the blockage, which can help to resolve symptoms such as inflamed and weakened muscles and joints.
The combination can effectively help manage the symptoms, and may help to prevent recurrence. Maintenance is usually highly recommended after treatment, if the joint pain is caused by wear and tear or certain conditions.